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Battery Service Monroeville, PA

Batteries are the backbone of the electrical system and work the hardest in cold weather. If you live in an exceptionally cold climate, you may want to consider upgrading to the largest capacity available for your vehicle.

automotive battery testing

Do You Need a New Battery?

Make sure the battery is securely mounted because vibrations can have an impact on the battery’s performance and life. The battery and connections should be checked at every oil change (and are inspected as part of AAMCO’s ProtectCheck). Unlike other components in your car or truck, the battery does not give warning signs when it is near failure. However, if it is hard to start, or you experience a delay after turning the key in the ignition, have your battery checked as soon as possible. Please refer to your owners manual for factory recommended maintenance intervals for your specific vehicle. Your local AAMCO center can provide you with a comprehensive starting, charging and battery test.

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